April 9, 2011

Ramblings of a Changing Man: Striving

by Steve Ferber
By definition striving is a good thing; it means to try very hard to achieve something.  In application it is not such an easy thing to do.  In our American way of life we demand to see quick results, we will strive at something for a short period of time then give up when we do not see the results that we expect in a short amount of time.

As Christians I do not think that striving is a good thing, it tends to put it all on me neglecting the part that the Holy Spirit plays in my life.  Rather than striving, let’s look at the Godly characteristic of perseverance.  The steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks.  Belief, this is where God comes in.  2 Peter 1: 1-11 ties perseverance in with many other Godly characteristics, which we are to have in increasing measure.  We know that it is by Gods grace along with the help of the Holy Spirit that we can grow in faith, goodness, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godly kindness and love.

Then why do we so often strive after things that God is doing?  We hear about revivals in other places or healings or anything that God is doing miraculously and ask God to do them among us.  This does not seem like a bad thing, or is it?

Recently Jeff Roland has been speaking on Wednesday nights here at New Life.  He first spoke about chasing after the gifts of the Spirit, the things that God was doing instead of after God himself.  Jeff had experienced a powerful move of the Holy Spirit some years ago, and now the cry of his heart to the Father is not for that movement but for what God has for us now.  The outpouring of His Spirit that we so desperately need. 

I thank God for the things that He is doing in other places, it is an encouragement in my spirit.  But it is not what I seek after.  I am seeking after the heart of the Father, submitting to the changes that He brings into my life.  Because of this I will increase in the Godly characteristics in 2 Peter 1.  My love and compassion will be evident to others in my lifestyle.  I do not have to strive anymore; only persevere in the man that I am becoming in Christ Jesus.

I read an article written by Ben Stine and want to quote the following portion; “This was the only point at which my life touched the lives of the soldiers in Iraq or the firefighters in New York ...  I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that it is my duty, in return for the lavish life God has devolved upon me, to help others He has placed in my path. This is my highest and best use as a human.  Faith is not believing that God can.  It is knowing that God will.”

Gal 6: 9, 10 tells us to take every opportunity to do good to others.  I believe that as we increase in the very characteristics of Godliness, doing the good that we know to do, that we will see God manifesting his mercy and power thru His people.

Therefore let us not strive for the things that God does, rather persevere in Christ-likeness.  For God will move in power and love among His people to reveal His glory to a lost world.

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