January 31, 2014

Jesus! You Have Won Me

Jesus you have won me! Because you are, I can be! I am hidden and safe in you! I am restored to innocence in you! Because you have always been and always will be ‘I Am’; I am also! My Eternity is void and does not exist apart from Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit! Everything that can be seen for what it is in truth; imagined or known in purity has its meaning and substance in Him! 
“It started when God said, "Light up the darkness!" and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.” (2 Cor. 4: 6a, Msg)
“4:6 The light is sourced in the same God who said, “Light, be!” And light shone out of darkness! He lit the lamp in our understanding so that we may clearly recognize the features of his likeness in the face of Jesus Christ reflected within us. (The same God who bade light shine out of darkness has kindled a light in our hearts, whose shining is to make known his glory as he has revealed it in the features of Jesus Christ. — Knox Translation) 4:7  We have discovered this treasure where it was hidden all along, in these frail skin-suits made of clay. We take no credit for finding it there! It took the enormous power of God in the achievement of Christ to rescue our minds from the lies it believed.
(“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in an agricultural field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” [Mt 13:44] God invested all that he has in the redeeming of our original value! He rescued the life of our design. Our inner life hosts the treasure of the life of our design. Jesus said in John 7:37,38, “If you believe that I am what the scriptures are all about, you will know that you are what I am all about and rivers of living water will gush out of your innermost being!”) Toit, Francois Du (2012-07-02). Mirror Bible (Kindle Locations 3418-3422). Mirror Word Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Because the above scriptures are absolute, undiluted, eternal truth; I would like to submit for your consideration that the following statements are reasonable and simple responses.
God is not looking for you to do more for Him. He is simply and passionately looking for more of you. He is looking for more of your heart. "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9a, NKJV)
“You are at your best when you are hidden deeply inside the heart of Jesus. Never do something because you are looking for the approval of man. Your Heavenly Father is the only One whose pleasure is worth having”. ---Heidi Baker
Every voice inside that says you can't is now silenced, every person who has stood in the way of your destiny is now an illusion and every reason you have for quitting is washed away in the grace of His love. Your dashed hopes, unfulfilled dreams, failures, struggles, besetting sins, life issues, seeming disadvantages are now your testimony to the Overcoming power of Jesus Christ!
From this moment forth, do yourself a favor: only give voice to Jesus’ grace-filled voice, only give access and power to His Holy Spirit from within or without and place your present and future hopes in His redemptive restorative, all-powerful Blood.

Won by The Lamb of God, Ron Ross

January 29, 2014

The Peter Revelation

Have you ever felt like your life was just a bit out of tune or sync? Or that you are invisible and/or marginalized to those around you and in your own self-image. Have you bought into the lie that your life doesn’t matter to others or in the grand scheme of history.
Have you just acquiesced to the seeming insurmountable or overwhelming circumstances you find yourself in? If really truthful to yourself would you admit to being passive instead of passionate about your life? But; wait a minute!
There is a longing in the human experience to know (with absolute certainty) that we matter and belong! There is also a God given hunger within the heart of every human in history to know and somehow discover and to live out the dignity of our divine design. Purpose, meaning, dreams, vision, and hope-filled relationships are all tied to knowing and embracing this design.
A dear sister shared her experience: “I lived my whole life mirroring what other people thought about me. I let them decide or tell me who and what I was. I didn't have my own identity. Now I know that I am to look into God's mirror (Jesus) and believe in what and who He says I am. I am His beloved, no more will I look to people to show me who I am.” (Debra Williams)
Following is King David’s description of the grandeur of God’s greatest creation and joy-you and me.13 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. 14 I thank you, High God - you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration - what a creation! 15 You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; you know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. 16 Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. 17 Your thoughts - how rare, how beautiful! God, I'll never comprehend them! 18 I couldn't even begin to count them - any more than I could count the sand of the sea. Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you!” (Psalm 139-18, Msg)
Wow! What a majestic description of the true us! What marvelous and tender care we can walk in if we embrace God’s love at this level. His high opinion of us will never be based upon our performance; good or bad. Why do we have such a difficult time believing our design and destiny are fixed in His heart? Why do we so quickly get back on the roller coaster of doubt and despair? It’s like we truly experience the secure place we have in Jesus and then turn right around and forget who and whose we are! Your authentic origin and design is mirrored in the Word; in what Jesus has to say about you!
Let’s peer into Saint Peter’s journey to his awakening to Divine design and destiny-his was also a roller coaster ride.  The beginning was in his call to follow Jesus-the same is true of each of us.
“18 Walking along the beach of Lake Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers: Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew. They were fishing, throwing their nets into the lake. It was their regular work. 19 Jesus said to them "Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass." 20 They didn't ask questions, but simply dropped their nets and followed.” (Matthew 4: 18-20, Msg)
The next experience revealed how much we are alike-Peter and us! How difficult it is to embrace our High calling in Jesus.
15 He pressed them, "And how about you? Who do you say I am?" 16 Simon Peter said, "You're the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God." 17 Jesus came back, "God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn't get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am. 18 And now I'm going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out. 19 "And that's not all. You will have complete and free access to God's kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven." (Matt. 16: 15-19, Msg)
“Simon son of Jonah, I say you are Rock...and within the context of this revelation will I establish My original identity; and the stronghold of ignorance will not prevail against the onslaught of My church.” (Math.16:13-18, Mirror Bible)
By revelation Simon discovers that Jesus was so much more than the son of Joseph and Mary, He was indeed the Messiah, the son of God; “now that you know who I am, let me introduce you to yourself, Simon, son of Jonah, you did not begin in Jonah, look to the Rock from which you were hewn, the quarry from which you were cut; you have forgotten the Rock that begot you, the Father who gave birth to you... I want to tell you who you really are, you are Rock (petros), and upon this Rock revelation of mankind’s original identity will I build My ekklesia church and the gates of hades will not prevail against it.
But what about Peter’s betrayal of Jesus on the night of His arrest?
33 Peter broke in, "Even if everyone else falls to pieces on account of you, I won't." 34 "Don't be so sure," Jesus said. "This very night, before the rooster crows up the dawn, you will deny me three times." 35 Peter protested, "Even if I had to die with you, I would never deny you." All the others said the same thing. 36 Then Jesus went with them to a garden called Gethsemane and told his disciples, "Stay here while I go over there and pray." 37 Taking along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he plunged into an agonizing sorrow. 38 Then he said, "This sorrow is crushing my life out. Stay here and keep vigil with me." 39 Going a little ahead, he fell on his face, praying, "My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do you want?" 40 When he came back to his disciples, he found them sound asleep. He said to Peter, "Can't you stick it out with me a single hour? 67 Then they were spitting in his face and banging him around. They jeered as they slapped him: 68 "Prophesy, Messiah: Who hit you that time?" Denial in the Courtyard 69 All this time, Peter was sitting out in the courtyard. One servant girl came up to him and said, "You were with Jesus the Galilean." 70 In front of everybody there, he denied it. "I don't know what you're talking about." 71 As he moved over toward the gate, someone else said to the people there, "This man was with Jesus the Nazarene." 72 Again he denied it, salting his denial with an oath: "I swear, I never laid eyes on the man." 73 Shortly after that, some bystanders approached Peter. "You've got to be one of them. Your accent gives you away." 74 Then he got really nervous and swore. "I don't know the man!" 75 Peter remembered what Jesus had said: "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times." He went out and cried and cried and cried.
Our stories also contain false humility, doubt and even betrayal of Jesus. In many and varied ways we have hidden the One who lives in our heart. Is that not betrayal? Have our actions not said; “I never knew the man”? In the darkness of shame and regret enters the light of Grace! Here is the rest of the story of Peter from John’s Gospel. This part of his story mirrors ours as well!
11 Simon Peter joined them and pulled the net to shore - 153 big fish! And even with all those fish, the net didn't rip. 12 Jesus said, "Breakfast is ready." Not one of the disciples dared ask, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Master. 13 Jesus then took the bread and gave it to them. He did the same with the fish. 14 This was now the third time Jesus had shown himself alive to the disciples since being raised from the dead. 15 After breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes, Master, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." 16 He then asked a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Yes, Master, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Shepherd my sheep." 17 Then he said it a third time: "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was upset that he asked for the third time, "Do you love me?" so he answered, "Master, you know everything there is to know. You've got to know that I love you." 18 I'm telling you the very truth now: When you were young you dressed yourself and went wherever you wished, but when you get old you'll have to stretch out your hands while someone else dresses you and takes you where you don't want to go." 19 He said this to hint at the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. And then he commanded, "Follow me."
Jesus did not even bring up the betrayal! It’s as if it never happened. Obviously Jesus’ blood had cleansed and forgiven Peter. Peter experienced the very same Grace that is always more than sufficient for you and me.  And then Jesus went right to Peter’s designed destiny: “feed and shepherd my sheep and follow me.” The restored Peter helped to shape the entire history of the Body of Christ (the church).
Following is how Peter expressed his restored designed design; there is not even a hint of his previous failures.
I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah, writing to exiles scattered to the four winds. Not one is missing, not one forgotten. 2 God the Father has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours! 3 What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, 4 including a future in heaven - and the future starts now! 5 God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all - life healed and whole. 6 I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. 7 Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, which God will have on display as evidence of his victory. 8 You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don't see him, yet you trust him - with laughter and singing. (1 Peter 1: 1-8, Msg)
“While you diligently rehearse the exact qualities of every divine attribute within you; the volume will rise with ever increasing gusto, guarding you from being ineffective and barren in your knowledge of the Christ-life displayed with such authority and eloquence in Jesus.1:9 If anyone feels that these things are absent in his life, they are not; spiritual blindness and short sightedness only veil them from you. This happens when one loses sight of one’s innocence. The moment one forgets the tremendous consequence of the fact that we were cleansed from our past sins, one seems to become pre-occupied again with the immediate sense ruled horizon, which is what short sightedness is all about; this makes one blind to His blessings. (Spiritual realities suddenly seem vague and distant.)1:10 Therefore I encourage you to make every conscious effort my Brothers to become cemented in the knowledge of your original identity revealed in the Word; fully engage these realities in your lifestyle; if you do this you will never falter. (2 Peter 1: 1-10)
Bottom line: our call is to be Kings and Priest! “We’ve trivialized calling as leading worship or playing a guitar or teaching our children in youth ministry while our true calling is to be kings and priests – what a sense of purpose that empowers us.
Being kings and priests affects every area of our life; we have purpose because we know we’re representing something greater then ourselves. Suddenly what comes out of our mouth (and life) is important.” (Lifechangers-Bob Mumford)
Living unto my ‘Peter Revelation’, Ron Ross

January 28, 2014


How is your spiritual vision? Did you know that through the “eyes” of the heart God-sight is available? What is God-sight? It is the ability to see all of life from the vantage point of His perspective. There is no higher or clearer perspective possible!
This “God-sight” is only and always illumined by faith! And it
 Allows us to “know” what we "know" beyond the scope of mere intellect or understanding. For example; we can know we are securely seated with Jesus in Heavenly Father’s lap of love apart from any physical sensation.
Here (in the "knowing" of God-sight) we are also invited by Jesus into the Heavenly opportunity of continuous enjoyment of Father’s affirming watch-care. And ‘wonder of wonders’, we can forever look full into His wonderful face with an unhindered view. 
Tragically, too many are distracted and focused everywhere but there. Why would we allow our spiritual sight to be lowered and miss His passionate gaze? Can you dare to believe that His eyes will never contain a hint of rejection, disdain, disgust or dis-approval? The “perfect love” that explodes through His eyes will drive out all doubt and fear. 
Being able to see yourself in the light of Father’s loving eyes is truly a mystery. You can’t define, program, explain, understand, or manipulate God-sight. The only option is to continually receive by faith; through the “spiritual eyes” of a regenerated heart His awesome, loving, embracing, constant gaze.
“To as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the children of God (with a new heart that comes equipped with ‘spiritual eyes’), even to those who believed on his name.” John 1:12 KJV
“This is the crisis we’re in: God-light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God. Everyone who makes a practice of doing evil, addicted to denial and illusion, hates God-light and won’t come near it, fearing a painful exposure. But anyoneworking and living in truth and reality welcomes God-light so the work can be seen for the God-work it is.”
“This is how much God loved the world: (desiring for any and all who will to see that love in His eyes) He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed (by a darkened mindset and understanding).
By believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.” (John 3: 19-21 and 16-17, The Message, emphasis and parentheses added.) 
Many live in the delusion of enlightenment apart from God-sight. He is not seen in the pursuit of knowledge. You will not be enabled to peer into his awesome eyes by the mastery of the intellect. Father’s vision defies all of our intellectual boxes.
You must have the “eyes’ of your heart enlightened. This comes only through a Spirit of revelation: “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge (meaning personal intimate knowing) of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart be enlightened…” (Ephesians 1: 17-18a, NASB, parenthesis added.) 
We live in a most unique time in history. The ability to know about God has never been more accessible. There is a plethora of printed, audio, video, and digital-cyberspace programs being produced. State of the art curricula materials about God abound and are more available than ever before.
Tragically and truthfully; increased access to knowledge about God does not necessarily lead you to a more intimate relationship with Him. The Father Jesus came to reveal and share is only known by faith, through seeing the salvation in His eyes, through the eyes of our heart.
“But God himself took charge of his people, took Jacob on as his personal concern. He found him (including all whose heart eyes are fixed on his redemptive gaze) out in the wilderness; in an empty, windswept wasteland (boy does that define where he found me). He threw his arms around him, lavished attention on him, guarding him as the apple of his eye.
He was like an eagle hovering over its nest, overshadowing its young, and then spreading its wings, lifting them into the air, teaching them to fly.” Deuteronomy 32: 9-11, The Message, emphasis and parenthesis added.
What a picture of his watchful care and oversight! The eyes of an eagle watching over you and me until our eyes perceive that we are the “apple of his eye”. Once there, we will soar into the heights of “whom” and “whose” we are in Christ!
In the grip of Papa’s loving, watchful gaze! Ron Ross

January 16, 2014

Road Revealed

by Linda Hagen

I found a new road last week. More accurately, I discovered an old road that I had not seen before. While on a walkabout, I paused to catch my breath, and there it was. Revealed.
Sure, there were big trees and brush growing within its boundaries, but the old wheel ruts were still faintly visible. The natural slope of the mountainside subtly interrupted. Yup. It was a road alright. Like a truth revealed, once I saw it, I could not "unsee"it. "Come and follow me," the road beckoned. "Have courage. Have faith."

This was not the first revealed road in my life here in this mountainside "kingdom." There have been many. Some remain from when the property was timbered decades ago. Others, much older and only faintly visible, are left over from times past when there were vast orchards tended by men with mules and two wheeled carts. In some places there are stones piled up just so, used to provide stability along the roads where fruit trees grew. It is said that the stones may have been placed there by slaves so long ago. And of course, everywhere are the wildlife trails traversed daily by the natural inhabitants.

Who has gone here before, I wonder as I wander. Loggers, mountain folk, laborers, freemen and slave, and before that, The Native American hunter. Sometimes, I find evidence of them left like little signs along the way. A rusty rifle barrel, an iron wheel, a stone foundation. What joys were theirs to discover? What obstacles were theirs to suffer?

The mountain has been here from the beginning. 

Trekking ever upward, one notices that the roads crisscross back and forth over each other, forming intersections of old and older, the narrow way and the wide open, the obvious and the obscure, the sunlit and the shadowed. The wanderer must decide-left or right? Forward or turn back? Standing at an intersection, there is no clear indication of all that lies ahead in any direction.
I have come to think of these roads as chapters in a life. The glorious, the shocking, and the everyday. But never what you expected when you started out. I have, however, learned a profound truth. All roads  in the kingdom eventually lead to the top of the mountain; an otherwordly place graced with ancient trees, giant rock slabs, and cushions of grass. On the top there is rest for the body and relief for the soul. Peace floats in on the breeze like a gift , carrying with it hope for God's eternal plan, in defiance of everything going on down below.  His presence is thick all around. I don't yet make my home on the top, but I visit often. I look forward to the day when all who lived and died here in the kingdom will gather there.

In the winter when all seems bleak and lifeless is actually the best time for a liferoad walk. One sees further and more clearly through the trees. What might be revealed? Sometimes, I like to go "offroad" and just take off across the mountainside, exploring as I go.

Once, coming across the faintest of game trails, I followed it to discover a secret clearing known only to the deer. Perfection complete with a rock cliff, trickling waterfall and green moss carpeting.  Circle depressions in the grass told of the deer that had slept there the night before.

A glorious secret. Revealed!

Another time, following a beckoning life road, the road abruptly ended. I went on a good ways through the trees expecting to find a cross road, a way to the top, but rock cliffs blocked the way.

I turned back, intending to return to the road, but absolutely could not find it. Being strong, I decided to go straight up. Slippery slopes, hidden holes, sliding rocks, and saw briars that tear at the flesh met me at every step. Losing my footing, I slid out of control down the steep and rocky slope. Stomach churning, head spinning fear took over. My descent ended abruptly at a tree. Fear and Regret  said, "How did this happen? You have never been in this situation before. You have lost your way! What will happen now? How will you find your way?  You should have turned left early on, not right. Maybe this wouldn't have happened at all."
Getting up (you've got to get up) I tried to collect myself, but the shock of it all caused me to lose my bearings. The familiar landmarks were not where they belonged. Taking a new direction, I found a crossroad. All roads in the kingdom eventually lead to the top, and I found myself there.   ( It was not far at all.) I arrived battered and bruised, cut and bleeding, but reassurance waited for me there. Hope floated in on the breeze. Bearing and perspective slowly returned, though scars remain.

Having lived in this kingdom for many years, I still don't know the answers to some of the basic questions. Do I claim a victorious road and exult in my cleverness (a gift from God) at the revealed secret place of the deer. Did I choose the path or was I led there, allowing the gift of discovery.

On the other hand, how do I explain being blindsided by loss and falling so far? Did I choose that road, or was it chosen for me? Why?

This I do know. All roads in the Kingdom eventually lead to the mountaintop.

So now, I am contemplating this newly discovered road. I cannot know what glorious secrets or grave dangers wait. Who has gone before and what signs did they leave along the way to cheer me on? "Have courage, have faith" the road beckons.

Yes, I will explore the newly revealed road. I know where it ends.

Nurtured by Grandeur and Commonplace

Only in Papa can we ascend the heights of grandeur, while at the same time plumbing the depths of commonness. That sums up my journey in Christ. The expectations of greatness have far exceeded my wildest dreams or imaginations and the simplicity has astounded me-a simpleton (not meaning that in a self-deprecating way).

At times I've literally pinched myself to see if I was only imagining where I was being allowed to sojourn. And at other times I've slapped myself to make sure I wasn't asleep at the wheel of life. I know you can track with me. You can, can't you? Or am I the craziest of the King of Kings, Kingdom Kids?

The royal helpmate he gave me to share the journey with...the offspring (natural and spirit born) that have so far exceeded any dream I could have held for their life in Christ...the people he's allowed me to walk with and know...the lifelong friends who have loved me through the 'best and worst' of times (you know who you are)...the exotic and also awful places on this planet I have followed him to...the absolutely insane investment he continues to make in my life...on and on it goes!

"For God who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shown in our hearts so as to beam forth the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and Glory of God as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ the Messiah. However, we possess this precious treasure, the divine Light of the Gospel in frail, human vessels of earth that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves." 2 Corinthians 4:6-7.
4:6 The light is sourced in the same God who said, “Light, be!” And light shone out of darkness! He lit the lamp in our understanding so that we may clearly recognize the features of his likeness in the face of Jesus Christ reflected within us. 4:7  We have discovered this treasure where it was hidden all along, in these frail skin-suits made of clay. We take no credit for finding it there! It took the enormous power of God in the achievement of Christ to rescue our minds from the lies it believed. (Mirror Word)
The frail, human vessels we are contain the mystery hidden from the ages. Allow yourself to become broken again; enough, for the grandeur of the treasure to pour out on a dry and thirsty land/heart. May we take the lids off, whatever they are! May we burst forth as fountains and gushers of living water!
In the grip of a grand and simple Grace! Ron Ross