April 28, 2011

Lasting Unity

by Americus
Unity and agreement are one of those places we often talk about and strive for but, alas are painfully aware when it is missing. There are many catalyst that can provide an impetus for unity such as team sports, service clubs, politics, family, school and church to name a few. Sooo… what about that unity thing at church and in the Body of Christ?

The bible actually has a considerable number of references to unity and provides us with examples of what it looks like. For instance we read an account of the early church in Acts 2:42-47 where it is evident that the church at Jerusalem operated in unity and, “continued steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship and in breaking bread, and in prayers.” What was the result of this unity? The same Acts account records that, “…and many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.” And because of the “singleness of heart” (unity) the Lord “added to the church daily.”

The fellowship I attend has a time of prayer on Wednesday evenings. Recently at one of our Wednesday prayer meetings I found myself over in the unity corner (we often have specific areas of prayer suggested for members to target in on). As I settled in to pray (actually wondering why I had come to this area to pray) I couldn’t help but notice that there weren’t many people praying in that area. As a matter of fact I had it all by myself most of the evening! The prayer request circle and the prayer for loved ones needing salvation circle had fair sized groups praying in them but over in the unity area… there was me. Now I’m not suggesting that those people shouldn’t have been in the other groups, far from it but what I am saying is that unity in any organization, particularly the church is critical! Without the unity that God’s Word shows us so plainly we will fail and miss out on the blessings the Father has planned for us. I believe the current expression is “epic failure!” Without unity/agreement there is only “envying and strife…, there is confusion and every evil work.” (See mfg. spec James 3:16) I have witnessed and most likely you have too, what happens when church congregations fall out of agreement. The congregation splits, the immature are scattered and some Christians never recover (although they could if they really wanted to) from the hurts and emotional damage. The Christian community takes one on the chin and Satan is laughing at our immaturity and ineptness.

As I started to pray concerning unity the Lord gave me a “download”. He said, “I will show you what unity looks like. The perfect example of unity is the Trinity. In the Trinity there is total agreement between the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Love, plan, purpose and pursuit of one goal; man. Through unity my people become united in thought, purpose, direction, support, devotion, love, fellowship and message.” He continued; “For my people to be a unified body they must first be unified with Me. (Eph. 1:17-19) Then and only then will they be unified together.” Being in “one accord” with the Lord first and then with each other is a must if we are to accomplish the work set before us. God made us all different in temperament, taste, view points, language, hair color and just about every other way you can imagine but the great wonder of it all is that we have a loving Father that has provided a way for us to be unified and expects us to come together in Him and work in His Kingdom. Only our Father God would take on such impossibly long odds! The humor of the Father is not to be missed on this point! He makes the crooked straight, the impossible possible and you and I a way to come into agreement and even shows us how personally.

As stated before we are very aware when unity is lacking but what are the hallmark evidences of a body operating in unity? Again in the example in Acts we find that they all fellowshipped together, ate together, wonders and signs became the rule rather than the exception, had favor with all the people and the church grew daily. Now that’s unity, the unity you and I are called to be partakers of in the Body of Christ. If we are to minister to a world that is searching for answers, unity is a must. The Lord Jesus prayed in John 17:23 “…that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and has loved them, as thou hast loved me.” When people outside of the church or fellowship you and I attend start believing The Father sent the Son and that He loves us just like he loves Jesus His Son, then you know you have found a group of people who are walking in the unity of God.

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