March 23, 2011

Obedience Training

by Linda Hagen
During my many years as a professional dog trainer, I once had the privilege of teaching Amanda Grace Woods how to train her lovely little Sheltie dog. Amanda is the daughter of New Life's own Dave and Sandra Woods. (Sandra is now living in the presence of the Lamb.)  Amanda was a good student and trained her dog well.  Now grown and raising her own family, she was and is, a Godly young woman. (Nice training, Dave and Sandra)

After each of our dog training lessons, I would give Amanda a homework sheet to use and keep as a reference.  Here is the homework I assigned on the occasion of her thirteenth birthday.

Obedience Training Homework for Amanda Grace Woods
  1. Train every day and be diligent in your work. Don't use excuses, but rather do what it takes to achieve the goal.
  2. Pursue excellence! Train for a fast and cheerful command to "COME" and a steady and dependable "STAY".
  3. Train in new places and unfamiliar surroundings. This will teach you not to overreact to new things and how to solve problems.
  4. Be a good example of obedience training; showing kindness, clarity of purpose and good sportsmanship. This way, when others notice you, (and they will) it will be for the right reasons.
  5. Remember the tried and true training principles and stick with the proven method.
  6. If you do these things, then one day when the Master calls, "AMANDA, COME! you will be well trained, and fit to do his work.

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