July 22, 2011

What About Me?

by Keith Gardner
Are you like me? I think even if you are you would not say so out loud. Sometimes when I see God moving in someone’s life, in some supernatural way, I take notice. Several years back, this guy I knew worked in construction. He fell off of the roof of a house; shattering both legs. The legs healed, but he was not the same. Each step was debilitatingly painful. He was unable to work. He also played the piano with a great deal of natural ability. Even that was difficult. You use your foot to play the piano. God supernaturally healed him completely. And I asked; “what about me?”

It’s not that I was not amazed, or that I’m selfish or jealous. No, I have seen and heard of God doing some incredible things. Another friend of mine was in Jamaica years back on a mission’s trip. The team was in a church, there were holes where windows were to go, no windows yet. The bugs and mosquitoes were swarming. The speaker prayed for the air to be cleared. All the insects fell to the floor dead. A breeze blew them out of an open door. The air was clear and the floor swept clean. The living insect on the outside banged up against the holes in the wall as if there were glass. My friend told me about it, he witnessed it first hand. I didn’t see it, I was not there, and again I asked, “what about me?”

I have heard stories about someone high on drugs, or maybe drunk getting saved and instantaneously sober never to go back to that lifestyle. There have been lots of stories, some really good and incredible ones. They’re someone else’s story. They’re not mine.

I began to reflect on the tales in the Gospel, unimaginable healings, people being delivered from demonic oppression, and others being raised back to life. And then it dawned on me. Think about it, you almost never hear about these people again. I’m not sure what that means and I’m not drawing any inference on those objects of God blessings; it’s just an observation. The ones you continue to hear about in the gospel are the steady plotters; the disciples and others that caravanned with Jesus learning from His words and examples.

It started becoming clearer to me; there are times when God works in supernatural ways. There are times when God demonstrates His majesty and power and wonder in ways that bring awe to even the most imaginative; but most of the time God chooses to work as a skilled artisan, a sculptor working on a masterpiece; chipping, and sanding, and molding, and fine tuning. We are his handiwork being transformed into His likeness one day at a time.

2 Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed [sculpted, remade] into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 

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