August 19, 2011


by Mark Michalak

"It is the duty and responsibility of Christian leaders(who are therefore responsible for what is!) to stop the wholesale paganization of Christian youth. We should take our lessons from the Catholics of the 1850s who realized that they had no choice but to abandon the public schools for educational institutions of their own if they were to preserve Catholic culture for the next one hundred years.

Their success indicated that it can be done IF a resolute (even in the midst of a unrecognized but deliberate and divinely sanctioned and purposed captivity Jer.29 'mine') community is mobilized by a resolute leadership. The fact that thousands of Christian parents are already involved in homeschooling indicates that they are not waiting for this resolute leadership to arise.”

First let me say:
Pray this leadership comes by the finger of God and fast. There was a day when the only colleges were Christian colleges and the storehouses of God here, were full, to provide for such!

Now the state makes possible such education and great grace is needed for us 'in the midst'. (and grace available, thankfully to God) I don't believe homeschooling is the total answer, We have done this for years, but a hopefully, only temporary remedy. The City, The Father intends, has schools as well as a university. And what we should be seeking is the Permanent.

Perhaps if we stop blaming the world for what we reaped because of our gross irresponsibility as the church and repent for being so like the world. Perhaps if we are continually seeking His kingdom come first, His will to be done most, no matter the expense or 'seeming' loss, all 'these things' shall be added unto us!   (Gee, what a perspective)

Is there anyone out there with such a view? Or do you know of one who already ministers from such a perspective? Please let me know.(start up a rampage)

I would not hesitate to say there was 'a vote for change'. And it was 'The creation, voting' for a change, IN US!! The creation groans, the Spirit Holy groans, and thus we must groan for 'purposed accomplishment', Ultimate Intention, Christ in us, in this world.

There appears another occupation in our hearts (our midst) unfortunately. Another will. Still and Nevertheless, As it is written "(YOU) 'Clean out the old leaven, that you may be new, pure, of nobility and honor, of sincerity and unadulterated truth'." How else do we expect to be complete partakers of 'the benefits' so wanting of the Father to lavish on us? (Church, hello!) Are there any requirements of us, at all? (please, take out the trash!!)1cor:5,6

Of whom are we supposed to be in the world, Yes? According to the fore plan of God. Quit flailing at the branches, get to the root. I'm letting you down easy, for now.

For your considerations, in the Christ of the Father.

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