December 20, 2011

Witchcraft's Deception Part 2

At first, we met some very attractive, cool people that seemed to have a lot in common with us, we went out and bought one of a hundred books on the subject at Barnes and Noble and before we knew it, we were unknowingly bowing down to satan.  I read tarot cards, used a Ouija board, once we even had a séance to conjure the dead. All the secret knowledge and things you had to do to get to the next level were exciting at first, but when the bondage started setting in, the fruits of darkness such as fights between my husband and I, jealousy, drug use, cutting, depression, and there was no more peace at all.

2Ki 9:22 says, "Are you coming in peace?" Joram asked him. "How can there be peace," Jehu answered, "when we still have all the witchcraft and idolatry that your mother Jezebel started?"

Being unbelievers, it was very easy for us to be deceived, but in a believer’s life, the enemy’s tactics have to be much more clever, much more subtle so that the believer doesn’t realize that they are actually deceived.  These tactics are common to us; they are the everyday things that we don’t consider sinful.

The Lord began to open our eyes to our culture and how the enemy had invaded.  I want to share some of the more intimate details of our deception and rebellion, but first I wanted to look specifically how the enemy makes use of our culture in America to deceive believers.

 For the first 150 years of American history, the vast majority of America’s judges conformed their rulings to God’s laws and the laws set in place by the Founders.  Each step that America has taken gets further and further off the path that was set before us by the founding Fathers and gets us closer and closer to total corruption of values, beliefs, and true freedom.

With the breakdown of traditional marriage almost complete with the divorce rate so high, the de-masculinity of men and the equality of woman almost complete with the Equal Rights Amendment, prayer in schools deemed unconstitutional in 1962, sodomy deemed legal in 2003, women’s rights to murder their unborn child since 1973, and our children being primed for de-sensitization toward the homosexual lifestyle, “moral terrorism” is set up for a complete take-over. 
To be continued...

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