December 20, 2011

Witchcraft's Deception Part 1

Witchcraft's Deception

 Our culture has embraced “tolerance” of divorce, “tolerance” of other religions, “tolerance” of sexual impurity, and many other evils.  This embracing of ungodly ideals makes it hard for children to know God if He isn’t part of the family life and the fear of the Lord being modeled by parents in their everyday lives.  My husband and I were both products of divorce, abuse, promiscuity, drug abuse, witchcraft, wrath, rejection, and bitterness to name a few.  We were in the process of passing down these ungodly attributes to our children when our merciful and loving Sovereign Lord descended from His Holy place to touch my heart and impart a Spirit of Truth and His Holy Spirit to begin to roll all the stones away that were not of Him.  The moment I totally surrendered and believed “in my heart” I was delivered; I was healed of many afflictions. 

The transformation was astounding enough for my husband to take notice.  A few months later he gave his life to the Lord as well, saying that when he saw all the healing and blessings and prayers answered I was having, he wanted some of that!

Along the path of healing, and as the great Physician released us from the bondages we experienced, and I delved into the scriptures, it became clear that I could recognize and pray against many of the same unclean spirits or strongholds that I had been a part of.  There was unforgiveness, bitterness, wrath, idolatry and spiritual adultery, addiction, abuse, depression, suicide attempts, unworthiness, shame, but the one I want to talk about today is witchcraft. 

     See, in our rebellion against God and parents and everything in general, being children of wrath, my husband and I had been deceived into following the teachings of a heresy called “wicca” which is satanism disguised as an angel of light.  When you practice wicca, you think you are a “good” witch, worshipping nature and doing harm to no one, you are even deceived into believing there is no satan.  Isn’t that typical of the enemy, to make us not believe that he is even there in our lives seeking to kill, steal, and destroy?  This path caused us to participate in rituals that glorified satan, however unknowingly we did it.
At that time, we didn’t even know what witchcraft was.  My definition of witchcraft now is anything that seeks to manipulate, control, or change circumstances to our will and not God’s.  Also, anything we partake of or engage in that is not lining up with the Word of God is witchcraft as well. 

The first part of 1Sa 15:23 says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”

In Galatians chapter 5, verse 19-21 says, “They worship idols, practice witchcraft, hate others, and are hard to get along with. People become jealous, angry, and selfish. They not only argue and cause trouble, but they are envious. They get drunk, carry on at wild parties, and do other evil things as well. I told you before, and I am telling you again: No one who does these things will share in the blessings of God's kingdom.”

      The word witchcraft there in the original Greek is φαρμακεια which is where the word pharmaceutical comes from and it means drugs.   Yes, witchcraft is anything from taking or giving drugs against God’s will to reading fortune cookies.  I can remember casting spells to cleanse my home, my jewelry, trying to place magic on talismans or worse yet, people.  It is all very glamorous and seductive at first.
To be continued...

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