May 13, 2011

Hearing God

by Keith Gardner
A few year ago, during a particulary vurnerable time I wrote this poem or what ever one might call it. Please listen to it.

Notice the Lonely

Early in the morning, long before the bustle of busy people begin stirring the houses to life, and filling the streets with motion, I stand there, staring out of the window at the cold dark night. My own motions seem pointless. When I move the air is not stirred; the leaves are not rustled. My life cannot even manage a whisper in the mist of the roar of rowdy time; invisible to all; the unintended chameleon.
I begin to dream with eyes wide open. Ever notice the small flower nestled in the field of weeds, and thrones and tall grass; the pedals reaching skyward, to the sun, wanting to be noticed, picked and smelled? Of course not! No one ever does. Then I remember the words of my Lord, “See how the lilies of the field grow.” He notices. Nothing moves, or whispers, or stretches beneath the tall grasses without catching the eye of his majesty. The Lord continues in his words; “Are you not much more valuable than they?”

I blinked as tears welled up and begin to run down my cheek, dripping onto the window‘s ledge. Important to the maker; no smudge gets past the eyes of his craftsmanship; no detail left out; no mark unintended. Like the brush strokes of the skilled artisan, each life is crafted with purpose and meaning.

Ours is to notice his handy work; to seek the invisible, to discern the subtle stirs in the whirlwinds, and to hear the faintest whispers while surrounded by the roars of life too fast.

God is telling us something every time He stirs our hearts each Sunday. The move of the Holy Spirit in church is not for our personal enjoyment. It is not so we can feel warm and fuzzy or to just bask in his glorious presence. God’s purpose is to draw us out, to equip us for his calling. Each successive move of the Holy Sprit is molding us, purifying us and a preparing us for the next step in His plan.

One of the important “jobs” of a well healed and active body of believers is to seek those in need. The lonely and the hurting are usually too wounded to look for help themselves. Most suffer in silence wishing someone would care. Only God hears their real cries. But now God is calling us; its time to learn to hear that still small voice, the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit. God is whispering the names of the lonely. He is pointing out those who hurt in silence. Begin by quieting yourself. Turn off the TV; tune out the noises of a too busy life. Listen to the Lord with intent and interest. He is calling us to notice the lonely and the left out. He is calling us to know His heart and to be His hand and feet.

One last word; you may be one of the lonely or hurting that I’m talking about; as a believer your are also one who should bend and ear to hear. It could be that God delivers you your answer through your helping others.

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