May 28, 2014

Father's Opinion

1:11 This is how we fit into God's picture, Christ is the measure of our portion; we are in Him; invented and defined in Him. God's blueprint intention is on exhibition in us, everything He accomplishes is inspired by the energy and intent of His affection. (The Mirror Bible)

You are an unrepeatable and entirely unique masterpiece of Heavenly Father’s, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit’s creative love! You are in no measure a mistake or of inferior bloodline. You are in no measure lacking anything or flawed. You are Abba’s child! 

And as such, you are a sought after and romanced love child. You are forever adopted into the bosom of Father’s heart of mercy, grace and un-ending, un-compromising, un-mitigating (meaning-no one can bring up anything before Father that will ever change His mind about you) un-changing and un-conditional LOVE! They-The Triune God are head over heels madly in love with you!

You are indelibly imprinted with His D.N.A. That D.N.A. is their Divine Natured Added and it forever emanates from the core of who and whose you are! You have Jesus on the Throne of your heart and you are thus always at all times Regal. 

Therefore you have been hewn from the depths of His loving and matchless character. You are the mirror image of Jesus Christ! Your identity is a reflection of His identity! You are secure in Him with Father’s loving arms enfolding you forever. You are so secure that your life is hidden with Christ, in God (Colossians 3).
Your value, worth, expected end and life purpose are all tied directly to Christ in you! That makes you more valuable than the wildest imagination can fathom! Gold paves the streets you walk with Him on every day! Faith always activates the eternal reality of all that you are! ‘To seal our sonship the Spirit of His Son echo’s Abba Father in your heart’! (Romans 8)

Living with Abba's echo in my heart! Ron Ross

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