March 31, 2014

Mystery and Intrigue

Everyone likes a good mystery. Actually, there are few things like the intrigue of mystery that grabs your attention and begrudgingly holds on until there is revelation or understanding. That is really one of the main reasons I love being a child of God. God is the best crafter, writer and teller of mystery I know. He makes 'mystery' cool and intriguing.
Here is what he means by ‘mystery’ in His Word: “something not understood or even beyond understanding; a spiritual truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand…an exciting wonder”. If you don’t accept much of His story as being a mystery waiting to unfold before the amazement and wonder of your eyes; your journey will likely be somewhat frustrating.
Think about the following mysteries which he allowed to be known only in the fullness of his time. How many could grasp the birth of a baby in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes? The intrigue of this birth was only perceived by a handful with the faith to receive it; yet countless millions have celebrated that birth through the centuries. The unwrapping of that mystery brought a Savior to all mankind.
Then consider the mystery of faith itself. Paul told Timothy that leaders of Christianity would need to lay hold of the deep mysteries of the faith. He defined faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of what can’t be seen. Now, if that isn’t mystery then I don’t know what is? Countless men, women, and children have given their lives to Jesus Christ; never having seen him—yet staking their all that he is Lord and Savior!
By the mystery of faith, I am in love with Jesus, whom I have seen only with the eyes of my heart and the evidence he leaves everywhere my physical eyes look. Because of the mystery that is faith; I will live and die for the “One” who came, lived, died, raised from the dead and now is ever interceding for me at his Father’s right hand of majesty. Countless millions have and countless others will!
One of the yet least discovered mysteries is the Body of Christ and how his Papa works the mystery of his will through us. Though we are separated by centuries, race, culture and socio-economic status; we are “one” in Him. Each part of his body is unique in calling and grace gifts, but the same under the headship of Christ. “And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ” Eph 1:9, NIV. When we truly ‘act’ like the body of Christ we most powerfully show forth the mystery of God’s great love to the world.
May we grab hold of the mysteries that are yet ours to discover and experience in Christ. The more we set our hearts to the intrigue that is Papa’s joy to reveal, the more we will be drawn into his wondrous story and message. “Don’t forget to pray for us, that God will open doors for telling the mystery of Christ…” Colossians 4:3, NIV.
In the grip of Papa’s mysteries of grace, Ron Ross

1 comment:

  1. I love how you defined mystery. exciting wonder I
    I want to constantly be living in the pursuit of wonder.
    It keeps my gaze on Him, engaging me in conversation w/Father , and his dreams and purpose for his Creation.
    Keeping me in that place where "Heaven kisses Earth". A reality that is easily forgotten when we get absorbed by the things that are seen and heard by our natural senses only.
    I like to gaze into the unseen and watch what Papa unveils!
