December 6, 2013

The Buddy Beagle Song

This is the absolutely true story of Buddy the Beagle. It was originally written as lyrics to a spoken song, in the style of Johnny Cash. When you read it to the children at Christmas time, try to use your very best Southern accent. Christmas Blessings to you and yours from Hagen's Holler, NC.  -Linda Hagen

I was drivin' on Vashti Road one night, in the cold and blowin' snow. It was Christmas time and I was tryin' to git home. I come 'round the curve, and what's that I see? A little bitty pup, a shiverin' in the cold, just a settin' on the double yeller line. Right there in the middle of Vashti Road.

It was Christmastime. What else could I do? I parked my pickup on the double yeller, got out and knelt down, and tried to coax him near. Well that was one scared pup-he backed away. It was then I heard, comin' round the curve, a big semi truck just a bearin' down on us. "That driver cain't see!" I said to the pup."This is your last chance! You better come with me, or we'll both be mashed on this double yeller line! Right here in the middle of Vashti Road."

Well, I guess that pup understood my meanin'. He jumped in my arms, I jumped in my truck, the big rig drove past, and we were on our way home. Me and the Beagle. Buddy Beagle.

Have dead from the cold, he wouldn't eat, so I wrapped in a blanket and put him by the heat, and I asked the Lord to keep him through the night. And then I said, "Little Buddy-you're in His hands now."
Come next mornin', I didn't know what I'd find. I unwrapped that blanket and I had to smile. There were two little Beagle eyes a lookin' back at me.

Well, Buddy grew strong. He became my friend! The best little dog I ever did have. We walk, and talk, and play together. Sometimes we sing! (He likes to be tenor.)       He never chews stuff up nor pees on the rug. Oh, once in awhile he smells a little bad, but so do we all. So I forgive him, 'cause he's my buddy. Buddy Beagle.

Now the funny thing 'bout this story is- the night before I found Buddy, I made a Christmas wish list, just for fun. And on the top o' that list, #1, I wrote down - PUPPY!

Now a beagle is not what I had in mind. I wanted a dog more elegant in kind. One with tall long legs and a matchin' pedigree. But that ain't what was settin' on the double yeller line.  Right there in the middle of Vashti Rd.

There's a lesson here, I learned from Buddy. I'll tell it to you, if you're ready, and you got ears to hear. Are you ready?

When you pray and God gives you a Beagle, don't pass it by 'cause you want somethin' better. The Lord knows you, and what you need right then. So be thankful! Be greatful! And keep your eyes open! You never know what you might find just a settin' on the double yeller line. Right there in the middle of Vashti Road.

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