September 15, 2012

Minding His Minding-Letting Go

Minding His Minding-Letting Go

“Though being in the form of God, equality with God He did not count a prize to seize. Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness. And found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to death, death on a Cross. (Phil.2:6-8)

Yes, the mind of Christ is a humble mind, a servant-minded mind, a mind obedient to God, a cross-bearing mind. To think of putting on such a mind as this, I confess, causes me to shudder a bit.

‘Have the mind among you which was also in Christ Jesus…or…Have that mind in you which you have in Christ Jesus.’(Phil. 2:5) Either way, in corporate experience or in our personal struggles, the challenge is quite clear. Having this mind absolutely involves our letting go of our mind. 

True repentance is living out of the mindset of Christ. His mindset alone enables us to take up our cross daily and follow Him. Letting go of our mind and living from His mind; a humble, servant-minded, obedient, cross-bearing mind is the prequel to following as He followed. If we listen to/from His mind as He listened, we can live as he lived; free to go about His Father’s business.

 It is only in our right mind; His mind that we can respond to ‘the still small voice’ that leads us from the traps of our own opinions, perspective, futile thinking, and mindless reactions. The humility of the mind of Christ is the doorway into His mindset.

Humble-mindedness is the product of love. The mind of Christ is absolutely convinced of God’s love. Likewise, we too; in His mind are convinced. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 8:38-39) 

His humble mind enables us to have a proper self-estimate. There are two dimensions to that. We are aware of our humanity, our finiteness and our constant need for a Savior. We can then look at ourselves in light of God’s overwhelming love manifested in the cross of Jesus Christ. These leave us no ground for boasting or holding on to our way of thinking!

Catherine of Siena, a fourteenth-century mystic, drew from her experience of God’s love the conclusion that God needs us as much as we need Him. How can that be? The only explanation she had was that God, the “Mad Lover”, had fallen in love with His creatures.

Could it be, that in the mind of Christ we can think of ourselves as He thinks of us? Humble-mindedness is possible only for those who truly feel okay about themselves. Insecurity is the by-product of holding on to our way of thinking. Insecure people cannot be humble. Arrogance is the product of low self-image, not a high one. Arrogant thinking is the product of low self-thinking/view/image, not one elevated by the mind of Christ!

As we listen deeply in faith-having your mind about ourselves and our journey, we can open our hearts and minds like flowers opening to the daily sunshine. “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:7)

Oh living Christ, you who were not minded to cling to eternal glory, we open our minds to you. Illumine them with your wisdom. Make us one with your mind in love and understanding. May we not think of our concerns without also thinking of your concerns-considering as you, the concerns of others? 

Letting go of my mind for His to come forth, Ron Ross


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