A Confirming Word:
"The Cloud is Moving"
"The Cloud is Moving"
"The Cloud is Moving" was taken from the vision I had involving
Numbers 10. Since I first brought that word it has been the most
confirmed message that I have ever preached.
While in Cape Town, South Africa, I quoted from the blessings of
Issachar and Zebulun in Deuteronomy 33:18-19, talking about the
"abundance of the sea and the hidden treasures of the sand." On that
same day I received a dream from a trusted sister in Alabama. The dream
occurred at 5:07 a.m. Two days later a 507 carat diamond
was found in a diamond mine outside of Johannesburg. It was one of the
20th largest diamonds ever discovered. Also, while in Adelaide,
Australia, I prophesied from this passage and five days later a rare pink diamond was found.
I believe the Lord is confirming that He is sending a
three-fold anointing to help prepare us for the coming of His Manifest
Presence. That would be the lion-like nature of God represented by the
Standard of Judah to combat fear, anxiety and depression and to make us
warlike with courage and valor; a thorough corporate understanding of
the times and seasons represented by the blessing of Issachar so that
our faith can rest in the revelation of God; and a quest for habitation
illustrated through Zebulun; God not merely moving through us but
resting in us in His fullness.
It is my hope and prayer that now is the timing for this to be
more thoroughly released. We certainly have the sense that one season is
closing and a new one is emerging.
Kindest regards and blessings,
Paul Keith Davis
This word by Paul Keith Davis was previously posted on The Elijah List on October 26, 2009:
The Cloud is Moving
I love it when God confirms His word! Around September 11, I was
given an extraordinarily vivid dream that has since provided a source of
great encouragement. In the dream I saw a hand being extended holding an open Bible.
I was told to turn to a certain chapter of the Bible and begin to read.
After reading several verses in this passage I came upon a "Scripture"
that simply said, "increase, increase, increase, increase, increase."
Obviously, there is no passage of Scripture that says this precisely, but it was a symbolic representation of God's desire to release escalating measures of increase for the coming days.
The passage that I was reading was from Numbers 10. Admittedly, Numbers
was not a book that has been on my radar in recent days. I have focused
much of my attention on Revelation, Daniel, Zechariah and the Gospel of
John. Therefore it was a seemingly random and obscure passage for me to
read at the time, yet I knew the dream was from the Lord.
As a result, I determined not to tell anyone the specific passage
that I was given so when the confirmation came I could have complete
confidence that it was from the Lord. The following week I participated
in a conference in Knoxville, Tennessee, that included Bob Jones. I
thought perhaps the Lord would activate Bob's revelatory gifting and
speak to me from Numbers 10. However, by the time I left the conference
no mention was made of this passage.
I then flew directly from Knoxville to Dallas, Texas, to
participate in a Rosh Hashanah conference with Chuck Pierce and Glory of
Zion ministries. I was quite excited to be a part of this gathering and
felt a certain sense of appreciation to the Holy Spirit for His quick
fulfillment of a prophetic word the Lord directed me to give Chuck the
year before. It was a revelatory experience involving a huge white tent
and the release of the healing anointing comparable to that demonstrated
during the tent revivals of the 50s.
This was the first tent meeting they had conducted on property they
purchased outside of Denton, Texas. When I arrived the tent was exactly
as I had seen in the experience the year before. I still carried in my
heart a desire to understand the implications of Numbers 10, but
admittedly was not focused on it when the service began that evening.
Make yourself two trumpets of silver, of
hammered work you shall make them; and you shall use them for summoning
the congregation and for having the camps set out. When both are blown,
all the congregation shall gather themselves to you at the doorway of
the tent of meeting.
I was even more amazed when Chuck declared that he was going to do a brief teaching from Numbers 10 as a prophetic announcement for the services and the coming season in God. There was my confirmation!
Moving With God
Numbers 10 is a chapter devoted to the preparation of God's
people to "move with the cloud of His Presence into a place of promise".
Very specific and meticulous instruction was given to Moses when the
time came for the cloud to move to another location. Clearly, from this
prophetic insight, the Body of Christ is being called to a holy assembly and preparing to follow the movement of His Presence. The cloud is moving!
The specific verse that I was reading in my dream that was translated "increase, increase, increase, increase, increase" was actually Numbers 10:28 saying, "This was the order of march of the sons of Israel by their armies as they set out."
My interpretation of this passage as it relates to the coming
increase is derived from our necessity to follow God's meticulous order
outlined by His Spirit. The Lord has a prescribed way that He
desires for us to align ourselves with Him in order for His blessings of
favor and grace to accompany us, resulting in progressive measures of
increase. Much of that order can be found in Isaiah 66:1-2 saying:
Thus says the LORD, "Heaven is My throne and
the earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me?
And where is a place that I may rest? For My hand made all these
things, thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD. "But
to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit,
and who trembles at My word.
Three things will help align us with God for the coming days:
1. The Spirit of Humility
2. A Broken and Contrite Heart
3. Trembling in Reverence and Awe at God's Word (Rhema and Logos)
2. A Broken and Contrite Heart
3. Trembling in Reverence and Awe at God's Word (Rhema and Logos)
Praise, Times and Seasons, Habitation
The Lord clearly instructed Moses to have three tribes precede the
Tabernacle as they began to march – Judah, Issachar and Zebulun (Numbers
We are now entering an "appointed time" for advancement and especially the recovery of lost heritage.
While in South Africa following Rosh Hashanah very clear revelatory
insights were given concerning Zebulun and the blessing of Moses found
in Deuteronomy 33:18-19 saying:
Of Zebulun he said, "Rejoice, Zebulun, in your
going forth, and, Issachar, in your tents. They will call peoples to the
mountain; there they will offer righteous sacrifices; for they will
draw out the abundance of the seas, and the hidden treasures of the
The name Zebulun means "a habitation" but the land of
Zebulun was once ostracized for its darkness and apostasy. However, one
visitation from the Lord Jesus and it became known as a land of
illumination and a source of great Light (Matthew 4:15-16). This blessing provides a prophetic picture of many places being positioned for divine visitation.
I believe this will be especially true along certain coastal areas that
have received prophetic promises through the blessings of Zebulun.
Naturally, that is not to say this will be limited to coastal areas, but
this word is identifying those places with this promise.
A New Season